
Presentation schedule

Time slot Student(s) Paper
Apr 28 (8:40-9:10)
Gokdemir/Ermis C.I. Christodoulou, C.S. Pattichis, M. Pantziaris, A. Nicolaides, Texture-based classification of atherosclerotic carotid plaques, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 22(7), 902-912, 2003.
Apr 28 (9:15-9:45)
Kucukoglu/Culha G. Dorko, C. Schmid, Object class recognition using discriminative local features, Technical Report RR-5497, INRIA, Rhone-Alpes, 2005.
Apr 28 (9:50-10:20)
Koc/Hancioglu R. Guzman-Cabrera, M. Montes-Y-Gomez, P. Rosso, L. Villasenor-Pineda, Using the Web as corpus for self-training text categorization, Information Retrieval, 2002.
Apr 30 (10:40-11:10) Tokgozoglu/ Ariyurek S. Mahadevan, Machine learning for robots: A comparison of different paradigms, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1996.
Apr 30 (11:15-11:30) Turan R. Fergus, P. Perona, A. Zisserman, Object class recognition by unsupervised scale-invariant learning, Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2, II-264-II-271, 2003.
May 5 (8:40-9:10) Dumlu/Guler H. Yu, C. Caldwell, K. Mah, D. Mozeg, Coregistered FDG PET/CT-based textural characterization of head and neck cancer for radiation treatment planning, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 28(3), 374-383, 2009.
May 5 (9:15-9:45) Acer/Iskender P. Stone, M. Veloso, Multiagent systems: A survey from a machine learning perspective, autonomous robots, Autonomous Robots, 8, 345-383, 2000.
May 5 (9:50-10:20) Koca/Isler N. Richards, D. Moriarty, P. Mc Questen, R. Miikkulainen, Evolving neural networks to play Go, Applied Intelligence, 8, 85-96, 1998.
May 7 (10:40-11:10) Bacanli/Atalar O. Sharma, M. Girolami, J. Sventek, Detecting worm variants using machine learning, Proceedings of the International Conference On Emerging Networking Experiments And Technologies, New York, USA, 2007.
May 7 (11:15-11:30) Turanciftci S.K. D'Mello, S. Franklin, U. Ramamurthy, B.J. Baars, A cognitive science based machine learning architecture, Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Cognitive Science Principles Meet AI-Hard Problems, the 2006 AAAI Spring Symposium, 2006.
May 12 (8:40-9:10) Demirli/Kaptanoglu Y. Wang, C. W. de Silva, A machine-learning approach to multi-robot coordination Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 21(3), 470-484, 2008.
May 12 (9:15-9:30) Olgun S. Ray, M. Britschgi, C. Herbert, Y. Takeda-Uchimura, A. Boxer, K. Blennow, L.F. Friedman, D.R. Galasko, M. Jutel, A. Karydas, J.A. Kaye, J. Leszek, B.L. Miller, L. Minthon, J.F. Quinn, G.D. Rabinovici, W.H. Robinson, M.N. Sabbagh, Y. So, D.L. Sparks, M. Tabaton, J. Tinklenberg, J. Yesavage, R. Tibshirani, T. Wyss-Coray, Classification and prediction of clinical Alzheimer's diagnosis based on plasma signaling proteins, 13, 1359-1362, 2007.
May 12 (9:40-9:55) Ozdemir R. Jolivet, F. Schurmann, T.K. Berger, R. Naud, W. Gerstner, A. Roth, The quantitative single-neuron modeling competition, Biological Cybernetics, 99, 417-426, 2008.
May 12 (10:00-10:30) Guzel/Guven S.K. Chalup, C.L. Murch, M.J. Quinlan, Machine learning with AIBO robots in the four-legged league of RoboCup, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 37, 297-310, 2007.