DeepDistance: A Multi-task Deep Regression Model for Cell Detection in Inverted Microscopy Images |
This code is the implementation of a multi-task learning framework called DeepDistance that we proposed for the detection of live cells in inverted microscopy images. This DeepDistance framework proposes to concurrently learn two distance metrics, where the primary one is learned in regard to the main cell detection task and the secondary distance is learned for the purpose of increasing the generalization ability of the main task. To this end, it constructs a fully convolutional network and end-to-end learns two distance maps at the same time, sharing high-level feature representations at the various layers of this network, in the context of multi-task learning. The source codes are provided here. NOTE: The following source codes are provided for research purposes only. The authors have no responsibility for any consequences of use of these source codes. If you use any part of these codes, please cite the following paper.
Source code |
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