CS 478 / CS 564
Instructor: Ugur Güdükbay (Room EA-403, Tel: 1386)
Office Hours: Tuesday 13:30-15:30 (EA-403)
Course Schedule: Wednesday 08:30-09.20 (Spare Hour), 09.30-10:20, Friday 13:30-14.20, 14.30-15:20 (EB-103)
Course Assistant: Sinan Sonlu. Please send e-mail for any course related issues and appointment for office hour
Please visit Course Homepage
frequently to see the announcements about the course and assignments.
- Introduction
- Algorithmic Background
- Data Structures
- Geometric Preliminaries
- Models of Computation
- Geometric Searching
- Introduction
- Point-Location Problems
- Range-Searching Problems
- Convex Hulls
- Preliminaries
- Problem Statement and Lower Bounds
- Convex Hull Algorithms in the Plane
- Graham's Scan
- Jarvis's March
- QUICKHULL techniques
- Dynamic Convex Hull
- Convex Hull in 3D
- Proximity Problem
- A Collection of Problems
- A Computational Prototype: Element Uniqueness
- Lower Bounds
- The Closest-Pair Problem: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach
- The Voronoi Diagram
- Proximity Problems Solved by the Voronoi Diagram
- Triangulation
- Planar Triangulations
- Greedy Triangulations
- Partitioning a Polygon into Monotone Pieces
- Triangulating a Monotone Polygon
- Delaunay Triangulation
- Intersections
- Application Areas
- Planar Applications: Intersection of Convex Polygons,
Star-shaped Polygons; Intersection of Line Segments.
- 3D Applications: Intersection of 3D Convex Polyhedra;
Intersection of Half-spaces
Main Textbooks:
- Computational Geometry: An Introduction, F. P. Preparata and M.I. Shamos, Springer-Verlag, 1985.
- Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, M. de Berg,
M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars, O. Schwarzkopf, Springer-Verlag, Revised Second Edition, 2000.
- Joseph O'Rourke, Computational Geometry in C, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 1998.
GRADING: (Tentative)
- Midterm 20 %
- Final 30 %
- Assignments 20 %
- Term Project 25 %
- Attendance 25 %
Ugur Gudukbay
Friday Jan 26 14:24:10 EET 2025