Annotated Ontology Resources: Papers
Top: Research: Papers
- Modeling Web Sources for Information Integration - Knoblock, Minton, Ambite, Ashish, Modi, Muslea, Philpot, Tejada (ResearchIndex) - Using knowledge representation, machine learning and automated planning to integrate information sources. A system called Ariadne has been developed that maps web sources into an efficient representation.
- The Ontolingua Server: a Tool for Collaborative Ontology Construction - Farquhar, Fikes, Rice (ResearchIndex) - A set of tools and services that use the WWWfor users to build collectively re-usable ontologies.
- Learning to Extract Symbolic Knowledge from the World Wide Web - Craven, DiPasquo, Freitag, McCallum, Mitchell, Nigam, Slattery (ResearchIndex) - A trainable information extraction system that uses an ontology of the domain and training data consisting of labeled pages. The system learns how to extract data from web sources and automatically creates a knowledge base.
- Ontology-based Web Agents - Luke, Spector, Rager, Hendler (ResearchIndex) - Extensions to HTML with categories, relations and inferences for users to classify their pages. A web crawling agent called Exposeinterns SHOE knowledge, enabling complex queries to data.
- Part-Whole Relations in Object-Centered Systems: An Overview - Artale, Franconi, Guarino, Pazzi (ResearchIndex) - An investigation of part-whole relation in object centered systems. The paper claims that part-whole relation cannot simply be considered as an ordinary attribute
- An Ontology of Meta-Level Categories - Guarino, Carrara, Giaretta (ResearchIndex) - A discussion of meta-level ontological distinctions among unary predicates. Contributions of the paper are ontological commitment for mereology/topology, Strawson's distinction of sortal and non-sortal predicates, and a definition for countability of connection.
- Some Organizing Principles For A Unified Top-Level Ontology - Guarino (ResearchIndex) - Using philosophical distinctions in ontological engineering to devise a unified top level ontology. An ontology of particulars and an ontology of universals are developed based on Formal Ontology framework.
- Semantics for an Agent Communication Language - Labrou (ResearchIndex) - Speech act based semantics for KQML which is a language for communication between software agents.
- TBox and ABox Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics - de Giacomo, Lenzerini (ResearchIndex) - A Description Logic system for use in many KR application areas. A sound, complete and termination inference engine is presented.
- Overview of Knowledge Sharing and Reuse Components: Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods - Perez, Benjamins (ResearchIndex) - An overview of ontologies and problem solving methods in Knowledge Engineering.
- Automatic Generation of Ontology Editors - Eriksson, Fergerson, Shahar, Musen (ResearchIndex) - Practice with metalevel tools automatically generating knowledge acquisiton tools.
- KSL-91-66 - Ontolingua is a mechanism for writing portable ontologies which can be translated into a variety of representation and reasoning systems
- Toward Principles for the Design of Ontologies Used for Knowledge Sharing - Gruber (ResearchIndex) - An analysis of design requirements for shared ontologies. Application of a usage model and design criteria for reuse is presented
- Domain Specific Ontologies for Semantic Information Brokering on the Global Information Infrastructure - Mena, Kashyap, Sheth, Illarramendi (ResearchIndex) - Using domain specific ontologies for knowledge re-use and integration. The ideas here have been implemented in the OBSERVER system
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