Bilkent ACM SIGART (Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

Informal talk on

Epistemic Puzzles

Serap Yilmaz

Epistemology, the study of knowledge, has a long tradition in philosophy starting with the early Greek philosophers. Questions such as "What do we know?", "What can be known?" and "What does it mean to say that someone knows something?" have been much discussed in the philsophical literature.

Epistemic puzzles are logic puzzles which deal with agents and their knowledge. This can be either in the form of individual knowledge or common knowledge in a multi-agent setting.In this talk I will present two epistemic puzzles, one of them Smullyan's "Knights and Knaves" puzzle, and the other, the "Three Wisemen Problem," and I will discuss approaches to solving them which lead us to think about how we reason about knowledge.

Wednesday, 28th Feb. 1996 at 16:40 Room: EA502 (Eng. Building)

Everyone Welcome