A personal view of the International Conference and Workshop on
New Trends in Cognitive Science held in Vienna in May 1999.

New Trends in Cognitive Science '99

Hi, my name is David Davenport. I am a lecturer in computer engineering at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey. My research interests center around understanding how the human mind works, however, I am not an expert in this field, more an enthusiastic amateur.

For me this conference was an incredible opportunity to meet and interact with some of the world's leading experts, including, Brian C. Smith, David Israel, John Haugeland, Jack B. Copeland, Adrian Cussins, Stevan Harnad and Phil Agre. We had four days of intense discussion. Since we were almost all staying at the same hotel, the days generally started with breakfast together at around 7:30am. The discussion continued during the short walk to the conference hall located in the main university building, through the morning session, through lunch together, through the afternoon session, through dinner together at one of the restaurants on the walk back to the hotel, and often continued in the hotel lobby, generally finishing at around 1 or 2 in the morning!

Personally, that one street from the hotel to the university was the only part of Vienna I managed to see. Indeed, the "highlight" of the week was when we ventured across the road to eat at (of all places!) a Turkish restaurant. Actually, the first evening we did go somewhere else for the conference reception, which was very nice, but I don't have a clue where it was! I also saw a little of the city in the taxi/bus ride between the airport and the hotel. My impression was that Vienna is very old and beautiful and orderly (at least compared to Turkish cities.) Anyway, it has been there a long time and will undoubtedly be there for some time to come, so maybe one day I will return there to explore it properly. I do not regret spending all my time talking to people because that is what I went there for and I learnt a lot!

Anyway, enough of my rambling, below are a few pictures that I and Xander Schrijen snapped. I hope you enjoy them. They take a while to download, but for those who attended the conference I think the wait will be worthwhile and should bring back happy memories. Please email me if you would like prints of the originals.


The conference room
was simply stunning.

Stevan Harnad during
his presentation

The conference hall & Stevan Harnad


At the reception  

Intense discussion
during the
conference reception

Xander Schrijen, Brian Smith,
John Haugeland, Joan
and David Israel
listen to...


This young lady (the same age as my own daughter), impressed me enormously. She sat through many of the presentations and was actually interested in them. If only my graduate students were that keen!

At the reception


More scenes from the conference reception

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Steven Harnad & Catherine Breslin

Rainer, ?? Matthais & Colleen


David Israel

David & Ron

...what, Ron Chrisley
you disagree?

David Israel

..."conducts" his talk, persuasively.

...forces home his point
to John Haugeland!

David again!


The University of Vienna

University of Vienna (photo by Xander)



Dating back some 600 years the main university building just exudes history, culture and learning. Along this corridor and the one on the other side of the courtyard, are the busts of professors who taught there. The list reads like Who's Who of science!


On the Philosophers Stairs

onphilosophersstairs.jpg (72628 bytes)



After watching the film about Godel's life and work, we visited the spot at which one of his friends, another member of the Vienna Circle, ??, was shot dead. The (living) philosophers are, Jack Copeland, Brian Smith, John Haugeland, Rainer Born, David Israel, Matthias Scheutz and ??


Still talking...

David ...still talking!

Actually, he's a great guy,
always polite, enthusiastic
and very knowledgable.
I love him!

Looking on in amusement are
Samir Chopra, Catherine Breslin,
Steven Harnad
and John Haugeland.



Phil Agre

Gets a different perspective on things
as he takes time out to polish his talk.

Phil Agre


More food and talk at a Turkish restaurant

...still talking, this time in the Turkish Restaurant

(on the other side of the street!)

David Israel, Brian Smith,
me (David Davenport),
& Jack Copeland.
Xander's taking the photo!



...summing up

Brian Cantwell Smith

is that David Israel again, this time holding back the waters of the Red Sea on Brian's overhead drawing?


A final group photo...

All together...

Matthias Scheutz, Ron Chrisley, ?, Adrian Cussians, John Haugeland, Rainer Born, Brian Smith, ?, David Israel, Phil Agre, David Davenport, Samir Chopra, Jake Copeland, ?, Xander Schrijen, ?, Oron Shagrir,?, Stevan Harnad, ? & Catherine Breslin. Apologies to those whose names I can't recall. Email me if you know them.


and a last meal together with our hosts.

Final meal together

Matthias Scheutz, Xander Schrijen, David Israel,
Colleen Scheutz, Ron Chrisley & Jake Copeland.

I would like to once again thank our hosts, in particular, Matthias Scheutz and his wife Colleen, for all their hard work in organising the event and also for making it so enjoyable.


Finally, I would also like to thank the

Hotel Atlanta

which proved to be very comfortable, with friendly helpful staff who, luckily for me/us, spoke English!

(Incidently, while watching a documentary film on Kurt Godel -made by our Austrian hosts- we learnt that he had once stayed in this very building! Now, I wonder who did stay in his room?)

Hotel Atlanta (photo by Xander)

Coming soon...

more photos -anyone?
my presentation online?
technical review?