Bilkent University, Computer Engineering Department

CS 102 - Algorithms and Programming II

Summer 2018

Attention: This is a compacted summer course. Be aware that you will follow a dense course plan, and have to study more concentrated than you did in regular semester to pass.

Instructor: Cagri Toraman
E-mail: ctoraman(at)
Office Hours: Contact by e-mail.

Arif Usta - arif.usta(at)
Mustafa Can Çavdar - mustafa.cavdar(at)
Hamzeh Ahangari - hamzeh(at)
Serkan Demirci - serkan.demirci(at)

Lecture Schedule:
Monday 08:40 - 09:30, 09:40 - 10:30
Tuesday 15:40 - 16:30, 16:40 - 17:30
Thursday 10:40 - 11:30, 11:40 - 12:30
Place: EE214
(Lecture slides will be given in Moodle.)

Lab Schedule:
Monday 15:40 - 19:30
Wednesday 15:40 - 19:30
Place: B201, B202
(Lab assignments will be announced in Moodle.)

Course Plan: Click for my detailed course plan (tentative).

Prerequisite(s): CS 101 or CS 114

  • [Recommended] Big Java (Late Objects) Enhanced eText 2nd edition., Horstmann C. S., 2016, Wiley.
  • Java Software Solutions, 8th Edition, Lewis J. and Loftus W., Addison-Wesley, 2014.
    Course Objectives:
  • Undertake real-world design task
  • Work as a member of a team
  • Practice communication in written and oral form
  • Learn more programming techniques
  • Practice independent learning
  • Introduction & review
  • Review (objects, classes & arrays)
  • Inheritance & polymorphism
  • Abstract classes & interfaces
  • GUI
  • Recursion
  • Data structures
  • Streams & exceptions

    Grading (Tentative):
    Midterm 25
    Final:Essay/written 25
    Lab work 15
    Project 25
    Quiz 10
    Minimum Requirements to Qualify for the Final Exam (otherwise, you will get FZ):
  • More than 30% on the midterm exam
  • More than 75% lab average
  • Reasonable contributions to each stage of the project
    Minimum Requirements to Qualify for Passing (otherwise, you will get F):
  • More than 70% attendance to lectures
  • 100% attendance to labs
  • (Except a valid medical report, etc.)

    Project Details:
  • Groups of 5 students
  • Project topics will be assigned to you
  • There will be 4 project stages:
    1. Requirements
    2. User Interface Design
    3. Detailed Software Design
    4. Implementation (with Demonstration)
  • Some Sources:
  • Book's "Student Companion Site"
  • Lecture slides and important coding examples will be given in Moodle.

    2018© Cagri Toraman, Bilkent.