CS 202: Fundamental Structures of Computer Science II

Spring 2025

Lecture Schedule: We will follow a 2/4 schedule; i.e., some weeks will have 2 hours of lectures and others will have 4. All sections have different week assignments due to holidays. The tentative schedule is here, which is subject to change. We will email in case we need to change anything and update the table as necessary.

The course introduces non-linear data structures; the abstract data types of trees, tables, priority queues, and graphs, and shows how one can implement them in C++ using fundamental data structures by emphasizing run-time complexity analysis. The course also introduces the concept of hashing and its various use cases. Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 6, Prerequisite: CS 201.


  1. Frank M. Carrano and Timothy Henry, Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors, any edition, Pearson, 2013 or newer (textbook, ebook).
  2. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel, C++ How to Program, any edition, Prentice Hall, 2011 or newer (recommended).
  3. Mark A. Weiss, Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++, 3rd edition, Addison Wesley, 2006 (recommended).

Grading: There will be homeworks (20% - probably 4 homeworks), one midterm exam (40%) and a final exam (40%).

Midterm and final exams are closed notes, closed book.

Passing Grade: No predetermined grade to pass the course.

FZ Policy: In order to be able to take the final exam, a student must collect at least 30% of EACH of the first three homework grades, AND collect at least 30% of the midterm grade. Otherwise, the student will receive the FZ grade.

Attendance: Due to the YÖK (Higher Education Council) regulations, we are taking attendance and will report it to the Department at the end of the semester. But attendance has no direct effect on grades & FZ. 

Advice: When you are in doubt, ask. Use office hours. If you cannot visit us during office hours, you can always ask questions or arrange meetings by e-mail. Study regularly for the course and attend classes. Do your assignments on time and pay attention to the instructions for submitting assignments. Always make sure that the code you submitted does compile and run correctly.

Related Links:

Homeworks: Homework assignments will be posted on this page and on Moodle. Assignments are expected to be turned in on the due date. You should upload your solutions to the homework assignments using Moodle before the deadline. All programming assignments should be tested on the dijkstra server. Any code that fails to compile or run on dijkstra will receive a zero grade. Please make sure you fully understand the Bilkent University Policy on Academic Honesty (in Turkish) and the Rules and Regulations of the Higher Education Council (YÖK) (in Turkish). Cheating and plagiarism on exams and homework assignments will be punished according to these regulations.

Honor code: Read the Honor Code for Assignments here.

Grading Policy: Note that we do not discuss with students about grades. Therefore, we will not answer any questions about the passing grades and/or students' requests for passing the course. Any emails sent to this effect will be omitted.

Planned Lecture Cancellations The following lectures are most likely to be canceled due to conference travel.

Outline (tentative):

Topic Contents Slides
Course Introduction
  • Syllabus details
  • Rules & Regulations
  • Brief introduction to writing pseudocode
  • Binary Search Trees (Ch. 15, 16 of Carrano-Henry)
  • 2 weeks
  • Heaps (Ch. 17 of Carrano-Henry)
  • 2 weeks
Balanced Search Trees
  • AVL, 2-3, 2-3-4, Red-Black Trees (Ch. 19 of Carrano-Henry)
  • 3 weeks
slides part 1
slides part 2
  • Hashing (Ch. 18 of Carrano-Henry)
  • 2 weeks
  • Graphs (Ch. 20 of Carrano-Henry)
  • 4 weeks


Important information for exams

The following is on the cover pages of your midterm and final exams. Most students do not read this *valuable* information, but everyone SHOULD. These rules apply to classworks as well:

  1. Write legibly, and make your answers clear.
  2. Unintelligible answers may fail to receive credit.

Frequently Asked Questions