Sunday, June 14
Evening Reception
Monday, June 15
9:00-9:15 Can Alkan, Fabio Vandin, and Cenk Şahinalp
Opening remarks
9:15-10:00 Pierre Peterlongo
de Bruijn graph: what can be learnt from
it? Can we improve it?
10:00-10:45 Roye Rozov
Bloom filter methods in compression and
de novo assembly
10:45-11:30 Coffee
11:30-12:15 Ewa Szczurek
The model of metastasis initiation and
its utility in the clinic
12:15-14:15 LUNCH
14:15-15:00 Yuzhen Ye
Graph-centric algorithms for metagenomics
15:00-15:30 Coffee
15:30-16:15 Haixu Tang
Secure computing on human genomic data
16:15-17:00 Eran Halperin
17:00-17:45 Gunnar Klau
The jelly bean mining problem in one and
two jars
Tuesday, June 16
9:00-9:45 Alex Schönhuth
Repeat- and Error-Aware Comparison of
9:45-10:30 Valentina Boeva
Detection of structural variants and copy
number alterations in cancer sequencing data
10:30-11:15 Coffee
11:15-12:00 Leonid Chindelevitch
Can integrating whole genomes with other
data improve our understanding of infection spread?
12:00-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-14:45 Michal Ziv-Ukelson
Finding Structured Patterns in Infection
14:45-15:15 Coffee
15:15-16:00 Rolf Backofen
High-Throuphput Protein-RNA Interactions
Data: Algorithmic Challenges or Big Data Problem?
16:00-16:45 Alberto Policriti
Alignment and Hashing
16:45-17:30 Mika Amit
Period Recovery over the Hamming and Edit
Wednesday, June 17
9:00-9:45 Fabio Vandin
9:45-10:30 Teresa Przytycka
10:30-11:15 Coffee
11:00-11:45 Bartek Wilczynski
SNPs, Transcription Factor binding and
11:45-12:05 Shatlyk Ashyralyyev
A hypergraph-based model for hybrid de
novo assembly
12:05-12:25 Jasmijn Baaijens
De novo
assembly of viral quasispecies
12:30-14:30 LUNCH
Student Talks:
- Shatlyk Ashyralyyev (Can Alkan): A hypergraph-based model for hybrid de novo assembly
- Mika Amit (Gadi Landau): Period Recovery over the Hamming and Edit Distance
- Jasmijn Baaijens (Alex Schönhuth): De
novo assembly of viral quasispecies