CS 319 -
Object-Oriented Software Development

Summer 2013

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Dr. Bedir Tekinerdoğan


Description Report Presentation Selected Projects

One of the important activities in the course is the software design project. During the project you have to follow the software design processed as discussed in the lectures, and deliver the corresponding workproducts. We will adopt the following policy:

- Students need to form their own project teams. Each team should consist of 4 members. In case you cannot form your team the instructor will randomly assign students to project teams.

- Each design team will be randomly assigned a case by the instructor. Teams will work on different cases.

- All group members will get the same mark for the work they do, unless an exceptional situation may happen. Each student should be able to indicate the part that he/she is primarily responsible for.

The following reports need to be delivered:

1. Analysis Report  - including problem statement, functional requirements model, non-functional requirements, class diagram of the application domain, dynamic model (sequence diagram, state diagram)

2. Final Report - Complete revised report including

- system design including design goals, subsystem decomposition, and architectural patterns.

- Complete revised report including object design with patterns, interface specifications and source code.


 Important dates:

June 14, 2013 - Submit information about project team to instructor
July 8, 2013 - before 13:00, Deliver Analysis Report
July 24, 2013  - Deliver Final Report + Presentation + Code
July 24-26, 2013 Project + Code Presentations