Design and Implementation of a Computational Lexicon for Turkish (M.Sc. Thesis)
All natural language processing systems (such as parsers, generators, taggers) need to have access to a lexicon about the words in the language. This thesis presents a lexicon architecture for natural language processing in Turkish. Given a query form consisting of a surface form and other features acting as restrictions, the lexicon produces feature structures containing morphosyntactic, syntactic, and semantic information for all possible interpretations of the surface form satisfying those restrictions. The lexicon is based on contemporary approaches like feature-based representation, inheritance, and unification. It makes use of two information sources: a morphological processor and a lexical database containing all the open and closed-class words of Turkish. The system has been implemented in SICStus Prolog as a standalone module for use in natural language processing applications.BU-CEIS-9702: PDF
Inductive Synthesis of Recursive Logic Programs: Achievements and Prospects
The synthesis of recursive logic programs from incomplete information, such as input/output examples, is a challenging subfield both of ILP (Inductive Logic Programming) and of the synthesis (in general) of logic programs from formal specifications. We first survey past and present achievements, focusing on the techniques that mostly aim at the synthesis of recursive logic programs, dispensing thus with many more general ILP techniques that can also induce non-recursive hypotheses. Then we analyze the prospects of all inductive techniques in this task, whether they are tailored or not for the synthesis of recursive programs, investigating their applicability to software engineering and to knowledge acquisition and discovery.BU-CEIS-9703: PDF
Specifications are Necessarily Informal or: The Ultimate Myths of Formal Methods
We reconsider the concept of specification in order to bring new insights into the debate of formal versus non-formal methods in computer science. In our view, a specification is the link between the program (formality) and its meaning (informality). Since the purpose of a program must be something directly understandable, specifications are the essential tool for constructing, in practice, correct real-world programs through explicit, yet not completely automatable reasoning. This allows us to explain why formal specifications cannot meet the demands of specifications in our sense, since this would be a contradiction in terms. Our view of specifications does not imply a rejection of all ideas put forward in the literature on formal methods. On the contrary, we agree with the proponents of formal methods on most of their arguments, except on the fact that specifications had better be written in a formal specification language. And, inevitably, we also disagree with other arguments that are a consequence of this assumption. Finally, we examine why the role and nature of specifications are so often misunderstood.BU-CEIS-9704: PDF
Tagging English by Path Voting Constraints
We present a constraint-based tagging approach where individual constraints vote on sequences of matching tokens and tags. Disambiguation of all the tokens in a sentence is performed at the very end by selecting tags that appear on the path that receives highest vote. This constraint application paradigm makes the outcome of the disambiguation independent of the rule sequence, and hence relieves the rule developer from worrying about potentially conflicting rule sequencing found in other systems. We have applied this approach to tagging English text from the Energy Abstracts section of the ACL/DCI CD. Our preliminary results indicate that using about 400 constraint rules, we can attain a recall of 98.2% and a precision of 97.1 with about 1.01 parses per token on previously seen text, and recall of 95.9% and a precision of 93.5% with about 1.025 parses per token on previously unseen text. Our current system is a prototype implementation, and we propose an efficient implementation based on finite state transducers.BU-CEIS-9705: PDF
Program Schemas as Steadfast Programs and Their Usage in Deductive Synthesis
A program schema is an abstraction of a class of actual programs, in the sense that it represents their data-flow and control-flow, but does not contain (all) their actual computations nor (all) their actual data structures. We show that schemas can be expressed as first-order open programs, that is where some of the used relations are left undefined. Compared to higher-order representations, this considerably simplifies the semantics and manipulations of schemas. Actually, our schemas are steadfast open programs, expressed in the first-order sorted language of an axiomatisation (called framework) of the application domain. We give correctness and steadfastness (parametric correctness) criteria, the latter entailing a-priori-correct reusability. All this is illustrated by means of a schema capturing the divide-and-conquer methodology, and we derive the abstract conditions under which it is steadfast wrt an arbitrary specification in an arbitrary framework. Finally, we show how to use schemas for effectively guiding the deductive synthesis of steadfast programs from complete specifications (i.e. complete axiomatisations of the problem), and illustrate this by developing a strategy for synthesising divide-and-conquer programs as well as by actually synthesising a Quicksort program.BU-CEIS-9706: PDF
Generalized Generalization Generalizers
Problem generalization can be effectively used in program transformation. Schema-based program transformation, embodying any of the tupling, descending, or simultaneous tupling-and-descending generalization techniques, gives rise to full automation of the generalization process. We generalize known generalization schemas (or: generalizers), and validate them, based on the notions of correctness of a program, steadfastness of a program in a set of specifications, and equivalence of two programs. Finally, we evaluate our generalization schemas by performance tests done on the input and output programs of each generalization schema.BU-CEIS-9707: PDF
Concurrent Rule Execution In Active Databases
An active DBMS is expected to support concurrent as well as sequential rule execution in an efficient manner. Nested transaction model is a suitable tool to implement rule execution as it can handle nested rule firing and concurrent rule execution well. In this paper, we describe a concurrent rule execution model based on parallel nested transactions. We discuss implementation details of how the flat transaction model of OpenOODB has been extended by using Solaris threads in order to support concurrent execution of rules. We also provide a formal specification of the rule execution model using the ACTA framework.BU-CEIS-9708: PDF
Classification by Voting Feature Intervals
A new classification algorithm called VFI (for Voting Feature Intervals) is proposed. A concept is represented by a set of feature intervals on each feature dimension separately. Each feature participates in the classification by distributing real-valued votes among classes. The class receiving the highest vote is declared to be the predicted class. VFI is compared with the Naive Bayesian Classifier, which also considers each feature separately. Experiments on real-world datasets show that VFI achieves comparably and even better than NBC in terms of classification accuracy. Moreover, VFI is faster than NBC on all datasets.BU-CEIS-9709: PDF
Differential Diagnosis of Erythemato-Squamous Diseases using Voting Feature Intervals
A new classification algorithm, called VFI (for Voting Feature Intervals), is developed and applied to Differential Diagnosis of Erythemato-Squamous Diseases. The domain contains records of patients with known diagnosis. Given a training set of such records the VFI classifier learns how to differentiate a new case in the domain. VFI represents a concept in the form of feature intervals on each feature dimension separately. Classification in the VFI algorithm is based on a real-valued voting. Each feature equally participates in the voting process and the class that receives the maximum amount of votes is declared to be the predicted class. The performance of the VFI classifier is evaluated empirically in terms of classification accuracy and running time.BU-CEIS-9710: PDF
Design and Performance Evaluation of Indexing Methods for Dynamic Attributes in Mobile Database Management Systems (M.Sc. Thesis)
In traditional databases, we deal with static attributes which change very infrequently over time and their change is handled with an explicit update operation. In temporal databases, the time of change of attributes is also important and every update creates a new version. Attributes, typically change more frequently over time. A more agitated category of attributes are the so-called dynamic attributes whose value changes continuously over time, thus making it impractical to explicitly update them as they change. In this thesis, we conduct a performance evaluation study of two indexing methods for dynamic attributes. These are based on the key idea of using a linear function that describes the way the attribute changes over time and allows us to predict its value in the future based on any value of it in the past. The problem is rooted in the context of mobile data management and draws upon the fields of spatial and temporal indexing. We contribute various experimental results, mathematical analyses, and improvement and optimization algorithms. Finally, inspired by a few of the observed shortcomings of both of the studied techniques, we propose a novel indexing method which we call the FP-Index which is shown analytically to have promising prospects and to beat both methods over most performance parameters.BU-CEIS-9711: PDF
Experiments with Two-Stage Iterative Solvers and Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Methods On Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov (M.Sc. Thesis)
Preconditioned Krylov subspace methods are state-of-the-art iterative solvers developed mostly in the last fifteen years that may be used, among other things, to solve for the stationary distribution of Markov chains. Assuming Markov chains of interest are irreducible, the problem amounts to computing a positive solution vector to a homogeneous system of linear algebraic equations with a singular coefficient matrix under a normalization constraint. That is, the (n x 1) unknown stationary vector x inAx=0, ||x||1=1 (1)
is sought. Hence A=I-PT, an n x n singular M-matrix, and P is the one-step stochastic transition probability matrix.
Albeit the recent advances, practicing performance analysts still widely prefer iterative methods based on splittings when they want to compare the performance of newly devised algorithms against existing ones, or when they need candidate solvers to evaluate the performance of a system model at hand. In fact, experimental results with Krylov subspace methods on Markov chains, especially the ill-conditioned nearly completely decomposable (NCD) ones, are few. We believe there is room for research in this area specifically to help us understand the effect of the degree of coupling of NCD Markov chains and their nonzero structure on the convergence characteristics and space requirements of preconditioned Krylov subspace methods.
The work of several researchers have raised important and interesting questions that led to research in another, yet related direction. These questions are the following: "How must one go about partitioning the global coefficient matrix A in equation (1) into blocks if the system is NCD and a two-stage iterative solver (such as block successive overrelaxation---SOR) is to be employed? Are block partitionings dictated by the NCD normal form of P necessarily superior to others? Is it worth investing alternative partitionings? Better yet, for a fixed labeling and partitioning of the states, how does the performance of block SOR (or even that of point SOR) compare to the performance of the iterative aggregation-disaggregation (IAD) algorithm? Finally, is there any merit in using two-stage iterative solvers when preconditioned Krylov subspace methods are available?"
Experimental results show that in most of the test cases two-stage iterative solvers are superior to Krylov subspace methods with the chosen preconditioners, on NCD Markov chains. For two-stage iterative solvers, there are cases in which a straightforward partitioning of the coefficient matrix gives a faster solution than can be obtained using the NCD normal form.
Iterative Methods Based on Splittings for Stochastic Automata Networks (M. Sc. Thesis)
This thesis presents iterative methods based on splittings (Jacobi, Gauss--Seidel, Successive Over Relaxation) and their block versions for Stochastic Automata Networks (SANs). These methods prove to be better than the power method that has been used to solve SANs until recently. Through the help of three examples we show that the time it takes to solve a system modeled as a SAN is still substantial and it does not seem to be possible to solve systems with tens of millions of states on standard desktop workstations with the current state of technology. However, the SAN methodology enables one to solve much larger models than those could be solved by explicitly storing the global generator in the core of a target architecture especially if the generator is reasonably dense.BU-CEIS-9713: PDF
Correctness Proofs of Transformation Schemas
Schema-based logic program transformation has proven to be an effective technique for the optimization of programs. Some transformation schemas were given in the M.Sc. thesis of Büyükyıldız; they pre-compile some widely used transformation techniques from an input program schema that abstracts a particular family of programs into an output program schema that abstracts another family of programs. This report presents the correctness proofs of these transformation schemas, based on a correctness definition of transformation schemas. A transformation schema is correct iff the templates of its input and output program schemas are equivalent wrt the specification of the top-level relation defined in these program schemas, under the applicability conditions of this transformation schema.BU-CEIS-9714: PDF
Schema-based Logic Program Transformation (M.Sc. Thesis)
In traditional programming methodology, developing a correct and efficient program is divided into two phases: in the first phase, called the synthesis phase, a correct, but maybe inefficient program is constructed, and in the second phase, called the transformation phase, the constructed program is transformed into a more efficient equivalent program. If the synthesis phase is guided by a schema that embodies the algorithm design knowledge abstracting the construction of a particular family of programs, then the transformation phase can also be done in a schema-guided fashion using transformation schemas, which encode the transformation techniques from input program schemas to output program schemas by defining the conditions that have to be verified to have a more efficient equivalent program.Seven program schemas are proposed, which capture sub-families of divide-and-conquer programs and the programs that are constructed using some generalization methods. The proposed transformation schemas either automate transformation strategies, such as accumulator introduction and tupling generalization, which is a special case of structural generalization, or simulate and extend a basic theorem in functional programming (the first duality law of the fold operators) for logic programs. A prototype transformation system is presented that can transform programs, using the proposed transformation schemas.
Non-Incremental Classification Learning Algorithms Based on Voting Feature Intervals (M.Sc. Thesis)
Learning is one of the necessary abilities of an intelligent agent. This thesis proposes several learning algorithms for multi-concept descriptions in the form of feature intervals, called Voting Feature Intervals (VFI) algorithms. These algorithms are non-incremental classification learning algorithms, and use feature projection based knowledge representation for the classification knowledge induced from a set of preclassified examples. The concept description learned is a set of intervals constructed separately for each feature. Each interval carries classification information for all classes. The classification of an unseen instance is based on a voting scheme, where each feature distributes its vote among all classes. Empirical evaluation of the VFI algorithms have shown that they are the best performing algorithms among other previously developed feature projection based methods in terms of classification accuracy. In order to further improve the accuracy, genetic algorithms are developed to learn the optimum feature weights for any given classifier. Also a new crossover operator, called continuous uniform crossover, to be used in this weight learning genetic algorithm is proposed and developed during this thesis. Since the explanation ability of a learning system is as much important as its accuracy, VFI classifiers are supplemented with a facility to convey what they have learned in a comprehensible way to humans.BU-CEIS-9716: PDF
Verb Instantiation by Concept Coherence and Refinement
This paper outlines a new approach for the verb instantiation problem in the translation of a narrative text using both the theory of event/state concept coherence and refinement with operators. Our hypothesis is that sentences of a narrative source text are conceptually coherent, and its appropriate translation should have the same concept coherence properties. The approach has been implemented and called TSGR (Target Sequence Generation by Refinement). TSGR transforms the input, a set of event/state concepts, into a plausible sequence using refinement and concept coherence in the target language. A strategy for disambiguation of each verb containing multiple senses is described. TSGR has been tested for verb instantiations in English to French and English to Turkish translations.BU-CEIS-9717: PDF
Inductive Synthesis of Recursive Logic Programs (M. Sc. Thesis)
The learning of recursive logic programs (i.e. the class of logic programs where at least one clause is recursive) from incomplete information, such as input/output examples, is a challenging subfield both of ILP (Inductive Logic Programming) and of the synthesis (in general) of logic programs from formal specifications. This is an extremely important class of logic programs, as the recent work on constructive induction shows that necessarily invented predicates have recursive programs, and it even turns out that their induction is much harder than the one of non-recursive programs. We call this inductive program synthesis. We introduce a system called DIALOGS-II (Dialogue-based Inductive and Abductive LOGic Program Synthesizer-II) whose ancestor is DIALOGS. It is a schema-guided, interactive, and non-incremental synthesizer of recursive logic programs that takes the initiative and queries a (possibly naive) specifier for evidence in her/his conceptual language. It can be used by any learner (including itself) that detects, or merely conjectures, the necessity of invention of a new predicate. Moreover, due to its powerful codification of "recursion-theory" into program schemata and schematic constraints, it needs very little evidence and is very fast.BU-CEIS-9718: PDF
A Redefinition of Least Generalizations and its Application to Inductive Logic Program Synthesis
The `classical' definition of the concept of least generalization (under \theta-subsumption) of a clause set C is that it is a single clause. Since such a unique clause is sometimes over-general, we re-define this concept as being a minimal-sized set of clauses, each member of this set being the least generalization (under `classical' \theta-subsumption) of some subset of C. The elements of these subsets are two by two compatible, in the sense that their least generalizations (under `classical' \theta-subsumption) are not too general. We show an algorithm for computing this redefined concept. The criterion for over-generality is of course problem-specific. We design such a criterion for a problem frequently occurring in the inductive synthesis of recursive logic programs, namely the closing of an open program that was synthesized in a schema-biased way, but that has one of the place-holders of the used schema still undefined. After evidence for this undefined relation has been abduced, it needs to be inductively generalized. A least generalization is over-general if it is not admissible wrt a construction mode capturing the required dataflow of the place-holder. We design a language for expressing such construction modes (for any place-holder of any schema), and we define powerful admissibility and compatibility criteria. We also prove a few theorems relating the problem-independent concept of compatibility with the problem-specific concept of admissibility: these theorems show how to speed up certain computations for this specific problem.BU-CEIS-9719: PDF
Weighted K Nearest Neighbor Classification on Feature Projections
This paper proposes an extension to the k Nearest Neighbor algorithm on Feature Projections, called kNNFP. The kNNFP algorithm has been shown to achieve comparable accuracy with the well-known kNN algorithm. However, kNNFP algorithm has a very low time complexity compared to kNN. The extension to kNNFP introduced here assigns weights to features, therefore it is called WkNNFP, for {\it Weighted k Nearest Neighbor on Feature Projections}. The paper also introduces a weight learning algorithm, called SFA, for Single Feature Accuracy. It is based on the assumption that the weight of a feature is proportional with the accuracy that will be obtained by considering only that feature. The SFA algorithm is not specific to WkNNFP, so it can be used with many other classification algorithms. An empirical evaluation of the SFA algorithm on real-world datasets shows that it achieves an important improvement in the classification accuracy of the WkNNFP algorithm.BU-CEIS-9720: PDF
A Quadtree Based Dynamic Attribute Indexing Method
Dynamic attributes are attributes that change continuously over time making it impractical to issue explicit updates for every change. In this paper, we adapt a variant of the quadtree structure to solve the problem of indexing dynamic attributes. The approach is based on the key idea of using a linear function of time for each dynamic attribute that allows us to predict its value in the future. We contribute an algorithm for regenerating the quadtree-based index periodically that is optimal in CPU and disk access cost. We also provide an experimental study of performance focusing on query processing and index update overheads.