Ali Aydın Selçuk
As of September 2013, I have moved to
TOBB University of Economics
and Technology
I am a professor at the
Department of Computer Engineering
My Bilkent e-mail address will remain active for some more time:

Brief Biography
Ali Aydın Selçuk received his B.S. degree from
Middle East Technical University in
1993, and M.S. from Bilkent University
in 1995, in Industrial Engineering,
and his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, in 2001.
His previous work experience includes
RSA Data Security,
and the
Network Systems Laboratory
of Purdue University.
He was a faculty member at
Bilkent University
between 2002-2013.
Currently, he is a professor at
Research Interests
- Secure communication protocols
- Trust establishment in networks
- Cryptanalysis of block and stream ciphers
- Secure multiparty computation
- Group and multicast key management
- Security of medical information systems
- Security and routing in mobile ad hoc networks
CS519: Cryptography and Network Security
CS476: Automata Theory and Formal Languages
CS470: Introduction to Applied Cryptography
- CS471: Numerical Methods (Fall 2002)
- CS590/690: Graduate Seminar
Recent Professional Activities
- Program committee member,
LightSec 2016,
Istanbul, Turkey, 2016.
- Program committee member,
RSA Conference 2016--Cryptographers' Track (CT-RSA 2016),
San Fransisco, USA, 2016.
- Program committee member,
RSA Conference 2015--Cryptographers' Track (CT-RSA 2015),
San Fransisco, USA, 2015.
- Program committee member,
BalkanCryptSec 2014,
Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
- Program committee member,
LightSec 2014,
Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
- Program committee member,
6th International Conference on Security of Information and
Aksaray, Turkey, 2013.
- Program committee member,
6th International Information Security and Cryptology Conference
(ISC-Turkey 2013),
Ankara, Turkey, 2013.
- Program committee member,
LightSec 2013,
Gebze, Turkey, 2013.
- Program committee member,
International Conference on Applied and Computational Mathematics
Ankara, Turkey, 2012.
- Program committee member,
5th International Information Security and Cryptology Conference
(ISC-Turkey 2012),
Ankara, Turkey, 2012.
- Program co-chair,
LightSec 2011,
Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
- Program committee member,
4th International Information Security and Cryptology Conference
(ISC-Turkey 2010),
Ankara, Turkey, 2010.
- Consultant,
Bor Software,
- Consultant,
2003-2005, 2006-2007, 2008-2010.