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CS466 Project Topics

2 Persons
Making extensions to a parallel hierarchical radiosity system. The extensions could be clustering, texture mapping, and experimenting and measuring the performance of the system with large models, etc.

2 Persons
Improving an existing animation system for shadow play (Karagoz). The project requires putting together a couple of pieces of the software together to make it a tool for Shadow Play, like hierarchy editor, animation tool etc. Then, the project should be used to produce a realistic animation of the shadow play (according to a complete scenario). The project will be done on SGI Octane Workstation.

2 Persons
Deformation of a generic face model for modeling and animating face models of individuals using Free-form Deformation Technique. At the end, the project should be ported to SGI Octane Workstation.

2 Persons
Implementation of modeling and animation of articulated figures. You should define a generic articulated figure of acceptable complexity and use IKAN software developed in University of Pennsylvania for the analytical solution of inverse kinematics problem.

2 Persons
Implementation of subdivision surfaces. The scheme to implement may be Loop subdivision surfaces or Catmul-Clark subdivision surfaces with a meaningfull user interface.

2 Persons
Implementation of distributed raytracing and texture mapping for raytraced objects. You should implement the effects, like depth-of-field, penumbra (soft shadows), blurry reflections, blurry refractions, and spatial supersampling. You should produce nice looking pictures demonstrating the results.

2 Persons for each project
Implementation of a surface approximation algorithm. You should experiment with your program by trying it on really big models.

2 Persons
Implementation of Escherization. We have a partial current implementation to begin with.

2 Persons
Implementation of a geometry compression algorithm and experimenting with it on complex graphical models.

? Persons
Any other meaningfull project that you may come up with

Project Requirements

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Ugur Gudukbay
Mon Jan 28 15:27:07 EET 2002