Bilkent ACM SIGART (Special Interest Group on Aritifical Intelligence)


The Artistic Machine

Computers are wonderful tools; they remind us of important dates, help us calculate our taxes and produce perfect reports. In the world of business the computer reigns supreme.

Artists too have begun to embrace the machine, using its power to produce sophisticated digital collages and spectacular multi-media shows. Although many in the art world do not view work produced with the aid of a computer as "real" art, it is gradually coming to be understood and accepted as a new and valid art-form.

Beyond this, however, is a stage where the machine is no longer merely a tool in the hands of a human artist, but is quite literally an artist in its own right. From the paintings produced by Harold Cohen's AARON, to the real-time jazz music improvisation of George Lewis' machine, computers are beginning to demonstrate true artistic creativity.

This week's SIGART video presentation looks at how improvements in programming languages are freeing both machine and artist alike. Artists are pushing the frontiers of computing, but computing is challenging art!

Tuesday 4th November, 1997
at 16:40 Room: B-Block Amphi-theater (Eng. Building)

Everyone Welcome