Bilkent University Department of Electical Engineering,
IEEE Bilkent Student branch and
Bilkent ACM SIGART (Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

present a series of seminars Philosophical Puzzles for Everyone...

The fifth talk is


by Prof. William Vallicella

Abstract: This week Prof. William Vallicella, who is visiting Turkey from the Department of Philosophy, Dayton University, Ohio, has agreed to give us a special talk on the mind-body problem. Prof. Vallicella will attempt to argue against the current materiaist view of the world which maintains that the mind is nothing other than the brain. According to this arguement, materialism does not even have a theory of truth, therefore it cannot assert that it itself is true. Consequently, to the extent that artificial intelligence presumes materialism, it too is doomed!

Wednesday, 3rd April at 15:45 Room: EA331 (Eng. Building)

Everyone Welcome

Refreshments will be available.