Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department, Bilkent, Ankara 06800.
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===== CSFair 2018 Awards ===== ==== Project Awards ==== **Sibel Özelçi Best Senior Design Project Award:** This award is for the project with best overall qualities, including its design, innovativeness, user interface, documentation, and presentation. **Innovation Award:** This award is for the project that is most innovative. **Data Science Award:** This award is for the project that analyzes data using the state-of-art data science approaches. **Wide Impact Award:** This award is for the project that reaches the widest audience. **Social Impact Award:** This award is for the project that excels in serving the social needs of the society. **User Experience Award:** This award is for the project that provides a great use experience. **Mobile Award:** This award is for the best mobile application project. **Marketability Award:** This award is for the project that has the most potential for commercialization. **Demonstration Award:** This award is for the project that is presented the best through its web page and during the CSFair This year's winners: * **Sibel Özelçi Best Senior Design Project Award**: [[|YouTalkWeSign]] * **Innovation Award**: [[|LodeStar]] * **Data Science Award**: [[|AeroCast]] * **Wide Impact Award**: [[|ProTechKID]] * **Social Impact Award**: [[|Diafano]] * **User Experience Award**: [[|Cool Pets]] * **Mobile Award**: [[|PROsentation]] * **Marketability Award**: [[|Augma]] * **Demonstration Award**: [[|Urbscope]] ==== Personal Awards ==== Any senior (who is listed as a 4th year student in STARS) is eligible for the personal awards. **Hacker Award:** This award is given to the student who is best known for exceptional coding skills, showing playful cleverness in code, and solving coding problems in surprising and impressive ways. **Team Worker Award:** This award is given to the student who is the best overall teammate, possessing great organization and coordination skills, as well as effectiveness in getting the job done technically. **Entrepreneur Award:** This award is given to the student who has a good business vision, high potential for developing innovative technologies, and a promising path to lead a start-up company. **Theorist Award:** This award is given to the student who is great at theory, having the ability to model and formalize a problem and apply analytical techniques to solve it. **Visual Designer Award:** This award is given to the student with the highest ability to produce nice looking, smooth, user-friendly, and state-of-the-art graphical user interfaces. **Gamer Award:** This award is given to the student who is best known for showing great passion for computer games, playing computer games in spare time to cool off, sometimes even excessively. **Bookworm Award:** This award is given to the student who is an avid reader and shows the greatest interest in books. **Art Buff Award:** This award is given to the student who has the greatest interest in works of art, as a practitioner or as a connoisseur. **Sportsperson Award:** This award is given to the student who has the greatest interest in performing sport activities. **Night Owl Award:** This award is given to the student who is most active at night, pulling off all-nighters to catch up with deadlines. **Humorist Award:** This award is given to the student who has the most witty and fun sense of humor. **Early Adopter:** This award is given to the student who likes to try new technologies first. **Traveller:** This award is given to the student who likes to travel a lot and visit new places. **Musician:** This award is given to the student who has the greatest interest in playing musical instruments and/or singing. This year's winners: Hacker Award: Erin Avllazagaj Team Worker Award: Barış Poyraz Entrepreneur Award: Ali Soyaslan Theorist Award: Utku Uçkun Visual Designer Award: Buğra Felekoğlu Gamer Award: Gökçe Şakir Özyurt Bookworm Award: Umut Akös Art Buff Award: Ece Altınyollar Sportsperson Award: Emir Acımış Night Owl Award: Batıkan Hayta Humorist Award: Saba Betigül Şahinkaya Early Adopter: İsmail Cemal Kılınç Traveller: Fırat Sivrikaya Musician: Waqas Rehmani ==== Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards ==== Outstanding Teaching Assistant awards are given based on the votes cast by the students and this award is given to the best teaching assistants. This year's winners: Cem Mergenci Alican Büyükçakır Ömer Gözüaçık ~~NOTOC~~

awards.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/15 14:42 by csfair
Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department, Bilkent, Ankara 06800.